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Generating a Sphinx document with a blockdiag diagram without title pages

I am trying to use Sphinx to generate a blockdiag diagram with an accompanying description table, as described in the example under "desctable" here in the blockdiag documentation. I set up a very simple sphinx project; there is nothing in the main .rst file except for:

.. blockdiag::

   blockdiag {
      A -> B -> C;
      A [description = "browsers in each client"];
      B [description = "web server"];
      C [description = "database server"];

When I run "make latexpdf", it generates a PDF file with the desired diagram and description table. However, it also generates a lot of unnecessary pages, including a title page, filler pages, and an empty table of contents.

My question is this: Is there a way to get rid of the filler pages? All I want is the diagram and description table, on a single page, with nothing else in the pdf.

The less formatting/headers/footers/filler stuff, the better. I would avoid using Sphinx but the description option in blockdiag only seems to work with Sphinx.

Disclaimer: I am a complete newbie to Sphinx (just started trying it an hour ago). Also, I couldn't figure it out from the Sphinx documentation, but perhaps I'm just not searching the right terms.

Any help would be greatyl appreciated!


  • Never mind, I figured it out. In, I just needed to set

    latex_elements = {
    'maketitle': '', 
    'tableofcontents': '',

    This removes all the filler pages I wanted to get rid of.