I have found similar post on Stackoverflow. However, I could not solve my issue So, this is why I write this post.
The aim is to perform a column projection [projection = filter columns] while loading a SQL table (I use SQL Server).
According to the scala cookbook this is the way to filter colums [using an Array]:
However, I do not want to hardcode Array("col1", "col2", ...) inside my Scala code this is why I am using a config file with typesafe (see hereunder).
Config file
dataset {
type = sql
url = "jdbc://host:port:user:name:password"
tablename = "ClientShampooBusinesLimited"
driver = "driver"
other = "i have a lot of other single string elements in the config file..."
columnList = [
colname = "id"
colAlias = "identifient"
colname = "name"
colAlias = "nom client"
colname = "age"
colAlias = "âge client"
Let's focus on 'columnList': The name of the SQL column correspond exatecly to 'colname'. 'colAlias' is a field that I will use later.
data.scala file
lazy val columnList = configFromFile.getList("dataset.sql.columnList")
lazy val dbUrl = configFromFile.getList("dataset.sql.url")
lazy val DbTableName= configFromFile.getList("dataset.sql.tablename")
lazy val DriverName= configFromFile.getList("dataset.sql.driver")
configFromFile is created by myself in another custom class. But this does not matter. The type of columnList is "ConfigList" this type comes from typesafe.
main file
def loadDataSQL(): DataFrame = {
val url = datasetConfig.dbUrl
val dbTablename = datasetConfig.DbTableName
val dbDriver = datasetConfig.DriverName
val columns = // I need help to solve this
/* EDIT 2 march 2017
This code should not be used. Have a look at the accepted answer.
Map("url" -> url,
"dbtable" -> dbTablename,
"predicates" -> columns,
"driver" -> dbDriver))
So all my issue is to extract the 'colnames' values in order to put them in a suitable array. Can someone help me to write the right operhand of 'val columns' ?
If you're looking for a way to read the list of colname
values into a Scala Array - I think this does it:
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val columnList = configFromFile.getConfigList("dataset.sql.columnList")
val colNames: Array[String] = columnList.asScala.map(_.getString("colname")).toArray
With the supplied file this would result in Array(id, name, age)
As to your actual goal, I actually don't know of any option named predication
(nor can I find evidence for one in the sources, using Spark 2.0.2).
JDBC Data Source performs "projection pushdown" based on the actual columns selected in the query used. In other words - only selected columns would be read from DB, so you can use the colNames
array in a select
immediately following the DF creation, e.g.:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
.options(Map("url" -> url, "dbtable" -> dbTablename, "driver" -> dbDriver))
.select(colNames.map(col): _*) // selecting only desired columns