I have two records in my database, 'FirstName and LastName and I wanna get two of them then return a FullName, showing FullNames in tableView. Using Swift3 and Xcode8.2.1, FMDB here's the func of getFullName
func getFullName() -> String{
let result : FMResultSet! = sharedInstance.database!.executeQuery("SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Student_info", withArgumentsIn: nil)
let fullName = (result?.string(forColumn: "FirstName"))! + " " + (result?.string(forColumn: "LastName"))!
return fullName
sharedInstance is a global one, StudentDataBase is s singleton class:
class StudentDataBase : NSObject {
var database: FMDatabase? = nil
var pathToDB: String!
class func getInstance() -> StudentDataBase{
if((sharedInstance.database) == nil)
sharedInstance.database = FMDatabase(path: Utility.getPath("data.db"))
return sharedInstance
and my Student.swift goes like this:
import UIKit
//the model class to fetch the data from data.db
class Student : NSObject {
var studentID: String = String()
var fstName: String = String()
var lstName: String = String()
var phoneNum: String = String()
I got a thread goes like this enter image description here Thank you so much if anyone can help
After editing the Query into
let result : FMResultSet! = sharedInstance.database!.executeQuery("SELECT ifnull(FirstName,'') as FirstName, ifnull(LastName,'') as LastName FROM Student_info", withArgumentsIn: nil)
There's another error in combining them into one String: enter image description here
You are getting this crash because either you are getting nil
for FirstName
or LastName
, and you can use ifnull
with your select query and return empty string if it is nil. So change your query like this way.
let result : FMResultSet! = sharedInstance.database!.executeQuery("SELECT ifnull(FirstName,'') as FirstName, ifnull(LastName,'') as LastName FROM Student_info", withArgumentsIn: nil)
Note: You haven't added WHERE
clause with query so that this will give you all the records form Student_info
table also it is batter if you check result.next()
to confirm result contains records or not.