I am trying to create a VB program in which it will constantly grab and display the current left and right channels volume level for windows 7.
Sadly i cant show code as i dont know where to start! Been searching the web and i seen information saying i needed to download or locate the file "CoreAudio.dll"
. But sadly i searched my machine and cant find the file.
I just want to be able to have live feeds off the left and right channels and display it in a progress bar. <-- That i can get working but to do all that i need to acquire the information first! Which i cant do, could anybody assist me or point me in the right way for obtaining such information?
EDIT: Perhaps i can read the values from the registry? If someone could give me the location of the balance levels (registry location) that may help!
Would be highly appreciated.
I just outputted the information to a .ini file as i could grab info from autohotkeys script i made and so i have a onchange event listener on vb so when the file changes (which will only happen when i output values) then pull the volume info stored.
Best and only way i could achieve this.
Would be best if someone could resolve the main issue and somehow get values from registry or some other way!