I've been looking at the nice added functionality of addDrawToolbar in Leaflet/Shiny, which allows for custom drawing of shapes etc.
But i'm interested in sub-setting spatial data by accessing the geometry of the drawn shape, how is this done? There are some efforts here and here but I can't get them to work at any rate.
I thought perhaps that the clever functionality of plot brush might work with leaflet maps but Joe Cheng suggested last year that it wasn't in place.
So, are there any developments or workarounds on this? or has anyone managed to access the geometry of a drawn rectangle using addDrawToolbar?
You could use the addDrawToolbar
from the leaflet.extras
The docs are sparse but this page has the code for the Leaflet.draw
shiny bindings. You can look for the lines that have Shiny.onInputChange
and in your the server part of your app, use the corresponding input$event
to get the data passed to the Shiny.onInputChange
Here's a minimal example, you can draw polygons around cities and the names of the cities in the polygon will be displayed below the map:
cities <- structure(list(AccentCity = c("Saint Petersburg", "Harare", "Qingdao",
"Addis Abeba", "Xian", "Anshan", "Rongcheng", "Kinshasa", "New York",
"Sydney", "Lubumbashi", "Douala", "Bayrut", "Luanda", "Ludhiana"
), Longitude = c(30.264167, 31.0447222, 120.371944, 38.749226,
108.928611, 122.99, 116.364159, 15.3, -74.0063889, 151.205475,
27.466667, 9.7, 35.5097222, 13.233174, 75.85), Latitude = c(59.894444,
-17.8177778, 36.098611, 9.024325, 34.258333, 41.123611, 23.528858,
-4.3, 40.7141667, -33.861481, -11.666667, 4.0502778, 33.8719444,
-8.836804, 30.9)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -15L
), .Names = c("AccentCity", "Longitude", "Latitude"))
cities_coordinates <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(cities[,c("Longitude","Latitude")],cities)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
setView(0,0,2) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
addMarkers(data=cities,lat=~Latitude,lng=~Longitude,label=~AccentCity) %>%
markerOptions = FALSE,
circleOptions = TRUE) %>%
addLayersControl(overlayGroups = c('draw'), options =
output$selected_cities <- renderText({
#use the draw_stop event to detect when users finished drawing
feature_type <- input$mymap_draw_new_feature$properties$feature_type
if(feature_type %in% c("rectangle","polygon")) {
#get the coordinates of the polygon
polygon_coordinates <- input$mymap_draw_new_feature$geometry$coordinates[[1]]
#transform them to an sp Polygon
drawn_polygon <- Polygon(do.call(rbind,lapply(polygon_coordinates,function(x){c(x[[1]][1],x[[2]][1])})))
#use over from the sp package to identify selected cities
selected_cities <- cities_coordinates %over% SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(drawn_polygon),"drawn_polygon")))
#print the name of the cities
} else if(feature_type=="circle") {
#get the coordinates of the center of the cirle
center_coords <- matrix(c(input$mymap_draw_new_feature$geometry$coordinates[[1]],input$mymap_draw_new_feature$geometry$coordinates[[2]]),ncol=2)
#calculate the distance of the cities to the center
dist_to_center <- spDistsN1(cities_coordinates,center_coords,longlat=TRUE)
#select the cities that are closer to the center than the radius of the circle
cities[dist_to_center < input$mymap_draw_new_feature$properties$radius/1000,"AccentCity"]
shinyApp(ui, server)
Edit: Added support in case the user draws a circle.