I am showing number of dailymotion videos in ListView, i want to try to make thumbnail image from dailymotion video, but i am not getting any way to make thumb.
Have you any idea about it!!!
And you have following options and you can pass either one or all: thumbnail_large_url (320px by 240px) thumbnail_medium_url (160px by 120px) thumbnail_small_url (80px by 60px)
"thumbnail_medium_url": "http://s1.dmcdn.net/HRnTi/160x120-JQs.jpg",
"thumbnail_small_url": "http://s1.dmcdn.net/HRnTi/80x60-iBI.jpg",
"thumbnail_large_url": "http://s1.dmcdn.net/HRnTi/x240-oi8.jpg"