I am new to getstream - and I am writing some client side code
var streamclient = stream.connect('xxxxxxxx', null, '11111');
var feed = streamclient.feed('user', 'maurice', '??????') ;
How do I generate the access token for this client ?
In order to keep things secure, you'll first want to get the feed token on the server-side.
When initialising a Stream client on the server-side, you'll pass your app secret which enables access to all your app's feeds. The token can then be passed onward to your client application (single-page app, mobile app etc.).
Example server-side code:
var stream = require('getstream');
// pass the app secret when connecting on the server-side
streamclient = stream.connect('<key>', '<secret>', '<app id>');
// no feed token is req'd when the Stream client was connected with an app secret
var feed = streamclient.feed('user', 'maurice');
var feedToken = feed.token // or feed.getReadOnlyToken();
The client-side snippet you posted looks fine for initialising the feed