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Qt Quick MapPolyLine insertCoordinate

I have a PolyLine on my map and want to add a new co-ordinate to it when a user clicks between two existing points.

I can get the click event with:-

 MouseArea {
    id: mouseArea
    anchors.fill: parent
    acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
    onClicked: {

But I cannot figure out how to work out the required index for insertCoordinate() as there does not appear to be a method to get the start/end vertices of the segment clicked. Is this possible?


  • I had a similar problem. Currently it cannot be done without writing a new Map object type. So I've changed approach completely and done the following:-

    • stopped using QtLocation for the map as it is too restrictive at present
    • integrated a WebKit control with Leaflet as the map provider in the browser HTML
    • used WebChannel and the WebSocketServer to communicate with the map via the javascript API

    This has given me all the flexibility I need on the map as Leaflet is easy to configure and extend whilst allowing me to write the rest of the desktop app in Qt