I have created python function to search through an ldap object as below:
def my_search(l, baseDN, searchScope=ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, searchFilter="objectClass=*", retrieveAttributes=None):
ldap_result_id = l.search_s(baseDN,searchScope,searchFilter,retrieveAttributes)
So I invoke this keyword now in a Robot Testcase as so:
*** Settings ***
Documentation This testsuite checks the LDAP functionalities of DB nodes.
Resource ../../COMMON/Libraries/SDL-DB-COMMON-LIB.txt
Library ../../COMMON/Libraries/pythonldap.py
*** Test Cases ***
Perform Ldap Operations
${ldapObj} ldapopen ${DB_1_EXT_APP_IP}
Log to Console ${ldapObj}
${SearchReturn} my_search ${ldapObj} "uid=5000000,ds=CRIBER,o=D,dc=CN" ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL "objectClass=*" None
When I run this TC, it throws me an error in the search like so:
TypeError: an integer is required
The error is definitely in "ldap_result_id = l.search_s(baseDN,searchScope,searchFilter,retrieveAttributes)" line, since I'm able to print the earlier comments.
What is the issue here?
The issue here is the scope level which cannot be passed as above from Robot. The changes I did was :
def my_search(l, baseDN, searchScopeLevel, searchFilter="objectClass=*", retrieveAttributes=None):
if searchScopeLevel == 'ONE':
elif searchScopeLevel == 'BASE':
elif searchScopeLevel == 'SUB':
ldap_result_id = l.search(baseDN,searchScope,searchFilter,retrieveAttributes)
Robot TC Changes :
*** Test Cases ***
Perform Ldap Operations
${ldapObj} ldapopen ${DB_1_EXT_APP_IP}
${SearchReturn} my_search ${ldapObj} uid=205000000,ds=CRIBER,o=DEFT,dc=C ONE objectClass=*
And the issue is resolved. :)
Presuming the exception is raised in the my_search
method - by default the arguments to methods in RF are casted to string. Thus this call:
${SearchReturn} my_search ${ldapObj} "uid=2620105000000,ds=SUBSCRIBER,o=DEFAULT,dc=C-NTDB" ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL "objectClass=*" None
Has a number of issues:
argument will have an actual value "uid=2620105000000,ds=SUBSCRIBER,o=DEFAULT,dc=C-NTDB"
- i.e. with the quotation marks included, thus probably not what you're aiming for; remove themsearchFilter
- remove the quotes in the callsearchScope
, which probably is your problem, will receive the value ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL - a string with this content. This most probably is a constant defined in your ldap module; the safest bet that it'll work is to provide the integer value of that const - integers are given in the format ${1}
, but that's hardly sustainable. Perhaps you could export it and the other constants in the COMMON/Libraries/pythonldap.py
library, and use it in the test casesretrieveAttributes
argument will receive the string literal "None", not the None
datatype you probably want; to get it, use this RF builtin variable - ${None}
HTH, and again - provide more details to receive on-the-spot answers.