If I require
a file, say a Composer autoload script, can a file I subsequently require
, access the 'contents' of that file?
I've never had a problem with this before but I seem to be running up against a brick wall.
Loading script:
//load required class files
require "../server/frameworks/vendor/autoload.php";
use Mailgun\Mailgun;
//get config
require "../server/sitetools/config.php";
class sitetools{
function __construct(){
//Instantiate Mailgun
$this->mg = new Mailgun("API_KEY");
$this->domain = "domail.tld";
I then get an error from my sitetools
class when I try to instantiate it: Class 'Mailgun\Mailgun' not found
You need to add the namespace to config.php, not the loading script (if you don't use it there...).
use Mailgun\Mailgun;
class sitetools {
function __construct(){
//Instantiate Mailgun
$this->mg = new Mailgun("API_KEY");
$this->domain = "domail.tld";
And by using the same filename for your script and your class, you should be able to use the composer autoloader for your own classes as well (it might require a bit more configuration...).