I have an Ubuntu 16.04 server with PHP7 + nginx running. I already have a project in PHP Laravel 5.1 running in my local enviroment (Windows with Xampp) and everything is running great.
I have a PHP script that uses the function bzdecompress
of Bzip2
but then, in the server just crash and show this message:
Call to undefined function App\Http\Controllers\bzdecompress()
I don't see instructions of how install this library (if needed) or how to load it or check at least that is loaded. Thank you very much!
1) check your installed packages php -m
if bzip2 is installed move to step 3 directly , if not installed then install it by running :
2) for php7 :
apt-get install php7.0-bz2
for php5:
apt-get install php-bz2
3) then make sure that you've enabled your extension via :
phpenmod bz2
4) then you can restart your server
service nginx restart