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Should Jquery Component return false

I am trying to create a jquery module with BDD(Behavior-driven development).

Here is my component

(function($) {
    function MyModule(element){
        return false;        

    $.fn.myModule = function() {
        var args =, 1);
        return this.each(function() {
            new MyModule(this);

    $.fn.myModule.Constructor = MyModule;


Here is my test

QUnit.test( "test", function( assert ) {

    var smallBox = $('<div/>',{'id':'smallBox'}).width(200).height(200);
    var result = smallBox.myModule();
    console.log(result); // This gives the HTML element itself but I am expecting it must be boolean false
    assert.notOk(result, "should return false" );


I have 2 questions.

1- What if my component returns boolean. Is it wrong pattern?

2- How I can return boolean from my component


  • That is because you're not returning new MyModule, you're returning the returned value of this.each which is a jQuery object. If you want a boolean you'll have to return a boolean. Like this:

    $.fn.myModule = function() {
        var args =, 1);
        this.each(function() {   // don't return here because then you'll return a jQuery object
            new MyModule(this);
        return false;            // return a boolean (works)

    Returning from inside the callback is not affecting the returned value of the parent function.