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In Objective C, How to do Clustering with pagination using CATileLayer

I have one scenario as do cluster for the nearest CGPoint in UIView. So i have set of CGPoint NSArray, I trying to get the nearest value and do cluster but i could not get the logic : // my code

 //total CGpointArray ex: cgPointGroupArray, i try to get each obj closest obj

   for (CGPoint firstObjOfCGPoint in cgPointGroupArray) {

     for (CGPoint nextPoint in cgPointGroupArray) {
        //ex: 30 -distance b/w two point
       if (30>[self distanceBetween: firstObjOfCGPoint and:nextPoint]){                
            [shortestClusterArr addObject:nextPoint];
            [longestClusterArr addObject:nextPoint];
  //if array hold more than 2 value it will cluster otherwise mark single obj  

         //clustered marker obj
           [self addClusterMarker:shortestClusterArr];
          //no cluster marker obj 

Above code, looping time getting duplicate points as well override on the same object so if anyone knows the logic comment here,.. But I want such as clustering concepts like Geo-map clustering with pagination.

enter image description here


  •            xTotalCount=pow( 2, self.mapScrollView.zoomLevel );
                for ( int i = 0; i < xTotalCount ; i++) { 
     // ex : 0 < 2,   it will execute 2 times depends on zoom level(pow(2,0),pow(2,1),pow(2,2),.. )
                    xISet = [[ NSMutableArray alloc ] init];
                    //set the cordination value to the a and b according to the zoom level
                    ax=( i*zoomLevelTicketSpacing ) / xTotalCount; // ex : a = 0
                    bx=((i + 1) *zoomLevelTicketSpacing ) / xTotalCount; // b = 256
                    for (EDCTicketMarker *ticketMarker in weakSelf.activeTicketMarkers) {
                        // group with zoom scale
                        nextPointX = ticketMarker.location.x;
                        if(nextPointX > ax && nextPointX < bx){
                            [xISet addObject:ticketMarker];
                    [xMatrixSet setValue:xISet forKey:[@(i)stringValue]];
                    // Y cordination ( 00, 01, 10, 11 )
                    yTotalCount=pow ( 2, self.mapScrollView.zoomLevel );
                    for (int j=0; j< yTotalCount ; j++) {
                        yISet = [[ NSMutableArray alloc ] init];
                        ay=( j*zoomLevelTicketSpacing ) / yTotalCount; // ex : a = 0
                        by=(( j+1 ) *zoomLevelTicketSpacing) / yTotalCount; // b = 256
                        for (EDCTicketMarker *ticketMarker in weakSelf.activeTicketMarkers) {
                            // group with zoom scale
                            nextPointY = ticketMarker.location.y;
                            if( nextPointY > ay && nextPointY < by ){
                                [yISet addObject:ticketMarker];
                        [yMatrixSet setValue:yISet forKey:[@(i)stringValue]];
                        // Intersect the X and Y matrix array
                        NSMutableSet *matrixSetX = [ NSMutableSet setWithArray:xISet ];
                        NSMutableSet *matrixSetY = [ NSMutableSet setWithArray:yISet ];
                        [matrixSetX intersectSet:matrixSetY];
                        NSArray *resultMatrix = [matrixSetX allObjects];
                        NSLog(resultMatrix) // it will print according to the x and y position (00,01,10,11)