I have an Angular 1.5 (with components) application. I am using Kendo UI as a front end framework.
I have a window defined as:
<div kendo-window="wSearch" k-title="'Search Results'" k-visible="false" k-actions="['Close']" k-width="'600px;'" k-height="'500px'">
<h2>Search Results</h2>
The problem I am having is opening the window from the component. If I want to open the window from a button directly I could do that:
The issue is that I need to perform some logic before opening the window so I need to open it from code, not the markup.
How can I reference wSearch from code?
Thank you.
For those of view, facing the same issue, here is how I resolved it:
in the click method:
just make sure that $scope is injected in the component definition.
I am not sure if this is the best way to do that. I know that the use of $scope is discouraged when using components, but I could not find any other way to achieve that.
Hope that helps.