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Clipping a CGPathRef or UIBezierPath

Given that I have a CGPathRef, or a UIBezierPath, or some other equivalent iOS representation, are there built in library functions that I can use to compute a clip of this object for me?

  • I specifically need to clip against an axis aligned rectangle.
  • It'd be very cool to be able to clip against another arbitrary path.
  • It'd be even more cool to be able to compute boolean operations on paths: union, difference, intersection (clipping being the intersection operation).

Note To clarify, I am not asking to be able to draw a path with clipping. I want to obtain an actual clipped path, as a new path.


  • Check out my similar answer to this other question. I wrote a library that will let you calculate the intersections between any two UIBezierPath and calculate the clipped path between them. The library is at

    While that other questions deals with the intersection of shapes, you can also simply split two paths into component pieces.

    NSArray* clippedPathSegments = [UIBezierPath redAndGreenAndBlueSegmentsCreatedFrom:path1 bySlicingWithPath:path2 andNumberOfBlueShellSegments:NULL];

    That method has a bit of an awkward name, it's used internally for the better named uniqueShapesCreatedFromSlicingWithUnclosedPath: method, but should do what you want.