Search code examples

Angular Material Data table search Filter

I am trying to apply the a dynamic angular filter to the md data table to search through the data on the grid. however it doesn't seem to be working here is a small exapmple of what I am trying to accomplish:

      <label> Search Table </label>
       <input  ng-model=""> 

  <tr md-row md-select="dessert" md-auto-select ng-repeat="dessert in | filter: | orderBy: query.order | limitTo: query.limit : ( -1) * query.limit">


  • As you showed, I am adding custom filter which will do as described by you.

    Here is the custom filter.

    $scope.filters = [];
    $scope.$watch('', function(newValue, oldValue) {
     if(newValue != undefined){
      $scope.filters = newValue.split(" ");
    $scope.searachData = {};
    $scope.customSearch = function(item) {
    $scope.searachData.status = true;
    angular.forEach($scope.filters, function(value1, key) {
      $scope.searachData.tempStatus = false;
      angular.forEach(item, function(value2, key) {
        var dataType = typeof(value2);
        if(dataType == "string" && (!value2.includes('object'))){
            $scope.searachData.tempStatus = true;
        }else if(dataType == "object"){
          var num = value2.value.toString();
            $scope.searachData.tempStatus = true;
              $scope.searachData.status = $scope.searachData.status & $scope.searachData.tempStatus;
    return $scope.searachData.status;

    Here is the working Example.