I have a transformation matrix, in world space. I need to convert it to local(camera) space.
I have done the reverse of this (Local - to - world) using:
Eigen::Matrix3f R0; //rotation matrix
Eigen::Vector3f T0; // xyz translation values
Eigen::Vector3f C0; //result
R0.transposeInPlace(); //invert rotation matrix
C0 = -R0 * T0; //return world-space coordinate
Can I simply run this exact same thing to invert it the other way? Or is it a different equation?
Thank you.
Definitely look into studying linear algebra if you wish to continue to work with matrices.
In your case, you should be able to solve for T0 if you left-multiply by the matrix inverse on both sides:
C0 = -R0 * T0
-R1 * C0 = -R1 * -R0 * T0
is the inverse of R0
-R1 * C0 = T0
So to get T0 from C0, you'd negate and left-multiply C0 by the inverse of R0, which would be the matrix you started with before you called R0.transposeInPlace();