As I know, feign include ribbon's function, and I prove it in my code.
When I use feign, the default rule is Round Robin Rule. But how can I change the rule in my feign client code, is ribbon the only way?
Here is my code below, so please help.
public class ConsumerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
UserFeignClient .java
@FeignClient(name = "cloud-provider", fallback = UserFeignClient.HystrixClientFallback.class)
public interface UserFeignClient {
BaseResponse findByIdFeign(@RequestParam("id") Long id);
BaseResponse addUserFeign(UserVo userVo);
class HystrixClientFallback implements UserFeignClient {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HystrixClientFallback.class);
public BaseResponse findByIdFeign(@RequestParam("id") Long id) {
BaseResponse response = new BaseResponse();
return response;
public BaseResponse addUserFeign(UserVo userVo) {
BaseResponse response = new BaseResponse();
return response;
public class FeignController {
private UserFeignClient userFeignClient;
public BaseResponse<Date> findByIdFeign(@PathVariable Long id) {
BaseResponse response = this.userFeignClient.findByIdFeign(id);
return response;
public BaseResponse<Date> addUser() {
UserVo userVo = new UserVo();
userVo.setUsername("nick name");
BaseResponse response = this.userFeignClient.addUserFeign(userVo);
return response;
From the documentation:
@RibbonClient(name = "cloud-provider", configuration = CloudProviderConfiguration.class)
public class ConsumerApplication {
/* ... */
class CloudProviderConfiguration {
public IRule ribbonRule(IClientConfig config) {
return new RandomRule();