I'm having trouble with finding an element when I want to create a new page in Sharepoint 2010. I'm exporting my testcase from Selenium IDE Java / Junit 4 WebDriver into eclipse.
Here's how the pop-up window looks like: https://i.sstatic.net/Y29KW.jpg
I´ve tried many different element locators and combinations like: Xpath, Csselector, Id, Name and none of them seems to be able to find the input field.
Why is it like this?
I´ve tried with ExplicitWait and Implicit but that does not seem to solve my problem.
Here's where it gets stuck:
catch(Error e) {
Thanks in advance. :)
Popup windows in SharePoint 2010 are usually iframes with embedded pages.
If you can obtain a reference to the iframe, you can then query the embedded page using the iframe's contentDocument
For example, if your iframe has a class name of ms-dlgFrame
, and the text input control has an ID of ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_nameInput
, you can use the following JavaScript to select the input textbox: