I'm trying to generalize the algorithm Paul Hankin provided in Maximizing the overall sum of K disjoint and contiguous subsets of size L among N positive numbers such that the solution is not limited to each subset being exactly size L and where the goal is not to maximize the overall sum, but to return the set with the largest subsets possible.
Spelling out the details, X
is a set of N
positive real numbers:
X={x[1],x[2],...x[N]} where x[j]>=0 for all j=1,...,N
A contiguous subset called S[i]
consists of up to L
consecutive members of X
starting at position n[i]
and ending at position n[i]+l-1
S[i] = {x[j] | j=n[i],n[i]+1,...,n[i]+l-1} = {x[n[i]],x[n[i]+1],...,x[n[i]+l-1]}, where l=1,...,L
Two of such subsets S[i]
and S[j]
are called pairwise disjoint (non-overlapping) if they don't contain any identical members of X
Define the summation of the members of each subset:
SUM[i] = x[n[i]]+x[n[i]+1]+...+x[n[i]+l-1]
The goal is find contiguous and disjoint (non-overlapping) subsets S[1],S[2],...
of lengths ranging from 1 to L
that are as large as possible and cover all N
elements of X
For example, given X = {5,6,7,100,100,7,8,5,4,4}
and L = 4
, the solution is S[1] = {5,6,7}, S[2] = {100, 100, 7, 8}, and S[3] = {5,4,4}
such that SUM[1] = 18, SUM[2] = 215, and SUM[3] = 13
. While the overall sum, no matter the subsets, will always be 246
, the key is that no other subsets with lengths ranging from 1 to L
will produce larger SUM[i]
, than those provided above.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here's a better solution:
Sub getLargestEvents()
'Algorithm adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29268442/maximizing-the-overall-sum-of-k-disjoint-and-contiguous-subsets-of-size-l-among
Dim N As Long 'limit of +2,147,483,647
Dim X As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim L As Integer
Dim S As Variant
Dim j As Integer
Dim tempS As Variant
Dim largestEvents As Variant
Dim numberOfEvents As Long
Dim sumOfM As Double
Dim maxSUM As Double
Dim maxI As Long
Dim maxJ As Long
X = Array(5, 6, 7, 100, 100, 7, 8, 5, 4, 4, 100, 100, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
'N is the number of days of loss in the array X
N = UBound(X)
'L is the hours clause expressed in days (i.e., L = hours clause / 24)
L = 4
'S contains the sums of all events that contain no more than L contiguous days of loss
ReDim S(L * N, L)
'Debug.Print "i, j, S(i, j):"
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To L
If i >= j Then
S(i, j) = X(i) + S(i - 1, j - 1)
'Debug.Print i & ", " & j & ", " & S(i, j)
End If
Next j
Next i
tempS = S
ReDim largestEvents(N, 3)
Do While WorksheetFunction.SUM(S) > 0
maxSUM = 0
numberOfEvents = numberOfEvents + 1
'Determine max value in current array
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To L
If i >= j Then
If tempS(i, j) > maxSUM Then 'tempS(i, j) > maxSUM Then
maxSUM = S(i, j)
maxI = i
maxJ = j
End If
'Debug.Print "tempS(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & tempS(i, j)
End If
Next j
Next i
sumOfM = sumOfM + maxSUM
'Store max value
largestEvents(numberOfEvents, 1) = maxI
largestEvents(numberOfEvents, 2) = maxJ
largestEvents(numberOfEvents, 3) = maxSUM
'Debug.Print "maxI: " & maxI & ", maxJ: " & maxJ & ", maxSUM: " & maxSUM
'Remove values that can no longer apply
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To L
If i >= j Then
If (maxI - maxJ < i And i <= maxI) Or (maxI < i And i - j < maxI) Then
tempS(i, j) = 0
'Debug.Print "tempS(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & tempS(i, j) & " <- removed"
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
S = tempS
Debug.Print "Start Date, Length, Amount"
For i = 1 To numberOfEvents
Debug.Print "start date: " & largestEvents(i, 1) - largestEvents(i, 2) + 1 & ", length: " & largestEvents(i, 2) & ", amount: " & largestEvents(i, 3)
Next i
End Sub
Function getUserSelectedRange(description As String) As Range
'Code adapted from
Set getUserSelectedRange = Application.InputBox("Select a range of " + description, "Obtain Range Object", Type:=8)
End Function