I am working on app where there is an MQTT connection with the server and server is sending some values related to device and UI changes accordingly. But when app is in background user should get local notification that certain values are changed. I know background service are not allowed in iOS but I want to make sure that is that there is no way to achieve this.
I successfully added local notification with app in background by UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask
but it's only work for 3 min exact after that apple terminates the app.
func registerBackgroundTask() {
backgroundTask = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask { [weak self] in
assert(backgroundTask != UIBackgroundTaskInvalid)
func endBackgroundTask() {
print("Background task ended.")
backgroundTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
And just calling self.registerBackgroundTask()
makes the app runnable in background for three min.
Next that I am going to try is that background fetch and widget to run service, Here I just want some suggestion that is there any chance that one of above two will work ?
It sounds like "Communicating with an External Accessory" would be the background mode that fits your application. See Apple Docs for reference. You have to activate Backround Mode for your project and set the value to "external-accessory". Then you can do ongoing small downloads in background. Apple mentions heart rate monitors as an example.
Please note that continous background polling is waste of energy and would deplete battery quickly. Check if this is really needed for your application. If the user just needs infrequent notifications/alarms, remote notifictions would be a much better solution. I use remote notifications in my own projects and it works very smooth and reliable. Additional benefit is, that it would wake up an app even if the user has closed it before.