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Apache NiFi: InferAvroSchema infers signed values as string

I'm setting up a pipeline in NiFi where I get JSON records which I then use to make a request to an API. The response I get would have both numeric and textual data. I then have to write this data to Hive. I use InferAvroSchema to infer the schema. Some numeric values are signed values like -2.46,-0.1 While inferring the type, the processor considers them as string instead of double or float or decimal type.

I know we can hard code our AVRO schema in the processors but I thought making it more dynamic by utilizing the InferAvroSchema would be even better. Is there any other way we can overcome/resolve this?


  • InferAvroSchema is good for guessing an initial schema, but once you need something more specific it is better to remove InferAvroSchema and provide the exact schema you need.