I have created a display method on a datasource of a form to check for a match on a certain field, if there are 2 of the same values, the specific row in the form should get a background color.
The problem with below code is that all lines in the form are given the background color, also if only 1 line record matches.
What am I doing wrong?
public void displayOption(Common _record, FormRowDisplayOption _options)
SalesLine salesLineLocal;
salesLineLocal = _record;
while select salesLineLocal
where salesLineLocal.SerialId == salesLine.SerialId
if(salesLineLocal.RecId != SalesLine.RecId)
Modify your method as following, this will work fine:
public void displayOption(Common _record, FormRowDisplayOption _options)
SalesLine salesLineCurrent;
SalesLine salesLineLocal;
salesLineCurrent = _record;
select firstOnly RecId from salesLineLocal
where salesLineLocal.SerialId == salesLineCurrent.SerialId
&& salesLineLocal.RecId != salesLineCurrent.RecId;
if (salesLineLocal.RecId)
super(_record, _options);
but if you would like improve it you can move validation logic on the table level. On SalesLine
table create method
public boolean hasDupplicate()
SalesLine salesLine;
select firstOnly RecId from salesLine
where salesLine.SerialId == this.SerialId
&& salesLine.RecId != this.RecId;
return salesLine.RecId != 0
Then your displayOption
method will look like
public void displayOption(Common _record, FormRowDisplayOption _options)
SalesLine salesLineLocal;
salesLineLocal = _record;
if (salesLineLocal.hasDupplicate())
super(_record, _options);