I'm working on a prestashop site and facing some problem with the layered navigation. It appears for the top level categories but when I click on any of the sub categories, it goes to blank. There is nothing to filter on. It should atleast display a Price filter.
And yes I do have products in the category with different prices so a price filter should appear.
In my header.tpl file I have
{if isset($left_column_size) && !empty($left_column_size)}
<div id="left_column" class="column col-xs-12 col-sm-{$left_column_size|intval}">{$HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN}</div>
Which hides the left column when I don't have anything in my layered navigation. I want to diagnose why I don't have anything in my layered navigation.
To display the filter(s) in all categories you have to configure a blocklayered 'template' with all categories of your shop.
I'll post a screenshot to better understating :)
Enter in the module configuration, then click on "Add new template"
After that configure your filters (in the bottom of page) as you wish.
Save, now the filters will display in all categories. ;)