Alfresco Community v5.2 includes preconfigured workflows, such as:
New Task - Assign a new task to yourself or a colleague
Review And Approve (single reviewer) - Assign a review task to a single reviewer
Review and Approve (one or more reviewers) - Assign a review task to multiple reviewers
Review and Approve (group review) - Assign a review task to a group
...and more.
On the basis of these preconfigured workflows, I want to create my own. To see how they work, etc. So I have a question: Where can I find it?..
I would like to see:
You can find the workflow BPMN in the JAR file alfresco-repository-5.*.jar
deployed in WEB-INF/lib. You have to look in the subfolder: alfresco/worklow
For the content models, look at the file alfresco/model/bpmModel.xml
in the same JAR.
For the Share config, look at WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/share-workflow-form-config.xml
in Share.