I want to define a extension to Array (or Sequence or Collector?) so I can query a list of lists of a custom object with a NSIndexPath and get the object based on the indexPath's section and row.
public var tableViewData = [[MyCellData]]() // Populated elsewhere
public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
var tableViewCellData = tableViewData.data(from: indexPath)
// use tableViewCellData
// This does not compile as I want the return type to be that of which is the type "in the list in the list" (i.e. MyCellData)
extension Sequence<T> where Iterator.Element:Sequence, Iterator.Element.Element:T {
func object(from indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> T {
return self[indexPath.section][indexPath.row]
cannot be indexed via subscript, so you need a
, .section
are Int
, the collection
and its nested collection must be indexed by Int
(This is the case for many collections, e.g. arrays or array slices.
is an example of a collection which is not
indexed by Int
.)extension Sequence<T>
is not valid Swift 3 syntax). Just specify the return type as the
element type of the nested collection.Putting it all together:
extension Collection where Index == Int, Iterator.Element: Collection, Iterator.Element.Index == Int {
func object(from indexPath: IndexPath) -> Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element {
return self[indexPath.section][indexPath.row]