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Writing filter for pg-slick for "?|" operator

I'm having trouble writing the query.

Basically I'm querying on jsonb structure and here is how my sql query looks like:

select (p_product -> 'category_id') from product where p_product-> 'category_id' ?| array['3544', '3179'] limit 10;

Here is the scala code I'm trying to use:

  allEvents.filter(row => row.product +> "category_id" ?|.inSetBind({}))

This does not work.

On the other hand I'm already able to use the text comparison with something like:

row.product +>> "category_id" inSetBind({})

I'm trying to find something online but I'm pretty much out of my own ideas.


  • I had a look into

    So I combined this into:

    allEvents.filter(row => row.product.+>("category_id") ?|{}.toList.bind)