I need to write the value of the address of a struct in file with C language.
void func_1 ( struct_1 *st)
And the type struct_1 located at a file.h
struct struct_1 {
target_ulong a;
target_ulong b;
uint32_t c;
uint16_t size;
I write in the file file.txt with this code
FILE *fp;
fp=fopen("/path/to//doc.txt", "wb");
int x=sizeof((void *)st);
fwrite (st, x, 100, fp);
And the result is like that when I open the doc.txt
It seems that the format of the file can't be open with gedit. can you propose another tools to open it.
the problem was with the editor who by default search the ASCII code and display character in this case i open the file in order to write in binary mode so that's why the problem occurs
i used A HEXADECIMAL editor that can open and display binary file