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Is there any equivalent to the HTML anchor tag on Nativescript?

I'm trying to display a simple image or text with a link such as an HTML <a> anchor tag

  <ListView [items]="items | async" (itemTap)="onItemTap($event)">
    <template let-item="item">
        <Image [src]="item.imageUrl" ></Image> 
 <!--<Image [src]="item.imageUrl" href=""></Image>-->

It seems the only options is to be using onItemTap and getting the item url and manually setting the url content to be displayed on a separate webview. Are there any tags that would automatically open a separate browser page on the phone and display the URL content of the item?


  • For your case, you could use openUrl() and on tap Event on some of the components to open the needed page. For example:

    export function onTap(args:EventData){        

    You could also review the sample project here.