When i run mix ecto.migrate I encountered an error, (ArgumentError) foreign_key :country_id must be distinct from corresponding association name lib/ecto/schema.ex:1499: Ecto.Schema.__belongs_to__/4
My goal is i want to add two foreign keys in my mobiles table, which is conutry_id and country_code. What I am missing?
This is my mobiles schema:
schema "mobiles" do
field :number, :string
belongs_to :person, Person.Person
belongs_to :country_id, Person.Country, foreign_key: :country_id
belongs_to :country_code, Person.Country, foreign_key: :country_code
has_many :mobile_audits, Person.MobileAudit, on_delete: :delete_all
This is my countries schema:
schema "countries" do
field :code, :string
field :name, :string
field :iso_codes, :string
has_many :mobiles, Person.Mobile, on_delete: :delete_all
And this is my migration script:
def change do
alter table(:mobiles) do
add :country_id, references(:countries, type: :binary_id, column: :id)
add :country_code, references(:countries, type: :string, column: :code)
Thank you very much!
belongs_to :country_id, Person.Country, foreign_key: :country_id
This macro call is in the form belongs_to :name, QueryAbleModuleName, opts
. Now in your case, the :name
argument and the foreign_key
option has the same value. Generally, the foreign_key
should be <name>_id
If the table has company_id
field, then the call should look like:
belongs_to :company, MyModule.Company, foreign_key: :company_id
So if you want country_id
and country_code
as association names, consider making the foreign keys country_id_id
and country_code_id
and make sure your database schema reflects that.
Or think about something more meaningful in your context.