I'm trying to scan a given string for a number. The number cannot be after "v/v./vol/vol.", and cannot be inside parentheses. Here's what I have:
NSString *regex = @"(?i)(?<!v|vol|vol\\.|v\\.)\\d{1,4}(?![\\(]{0}.*\\))";
NSLog(@"Result: %@", [@"test test test 4334 test test" stringByMatching:regex]);
NSLog(@"Result: %@", [@"test test test(4334) test test" stringByMatching:regex]);
NSLog(@"Result: %@", [@"test test test(vol.4334) test test" stringByMatching:regex]);
Infuriatingly, this does not work. My regex can be separated into four parts:
- make regex case insensitive
- negative look-behind assertion for v/v./vol/vol.
- the number I'm looking for, 1-4 digits.
- negative look-ahead assertion: number cannot be preceding a ), unless there's a ( before it.
Maddeningly, if I take out the look-behind assertion, it works. What's the issue here? I'm using RegexKitLite, which uses the ICU regex syntax.
Your negative lookbehind
is positioned incorrectly. Lookbehind's do not modify the input position, your negative lookbehind
should come after your \d{1,4}
Alternatively, just use a negative lookahead
to accomplish the same purpose: