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mechanism of calling of merge sort algorithm

1st mergesort function is called till the if condition is satisfied Now according to my knowledge if if-conditon is not satisfied then its body will not execute

I m unable to understand after the unsatisfaction of if-conditon 2nd mergesort function is how it happens? Plz explain in detail

mergesort (int*a,int*b,int low,int high)


     int  pivot
     return ;


  • To follow up on Rohlex32's answer (his answer should get credit for the correct answer).

    my question is why mergesort(a,b,pivot+1,high) is called?

    As answered by Rohlex32, it's because mergesort(a, b, low, high), uses high as the last index to be sorted, so mergesort(a, b, low, pivot), includes the element at [pivot].

    An alternative implementation of mergesort uses a beginning and ending index, where the ending index is 1 greater than the last index. The initial call to mergesort would be

    mergesort(a, b, 0, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]));

    Such a mergesort function would be a bit different than above:

    void mergesort(int *a, int *b, int begin, int end)
        int mid = (begin+end)/2;
        if((end - begin) < 2)
        mergesort(a, b, begin, mid);    // sort from begin to mid-1
        mergesort(a, b, mid, end);      // sort from mid   to end-1
        merge(a, b, begin, mid, end);   // merge the two parts