I'm using Firebase in my latest app. After upgrading the pods to 3.10.0 the share extension of the app can't be built. The Firebase pods depend on GTMSessionFetcher
which uses sharedApplication
which is not available in app extensions.
I'm using the following pods in my extension:
pod 'Firebase/Core', '~> 3.7.0'
pod 'Firebase/Crash', '~> 3.7.0'
pod 'Firebase/Auth', '~> 3.7.0'
pod 'Firebase/Database', '~> 3.7.0'
I rolled back to version 3.7.0. This is the last version not relying on sharedApplication
Will this be fixed in an upcoming version?
This will be fixed in upcoming GTMSessionFetcher and Firebase versions.
In the meantime, since recent Firebase versions reference GTMSessionFetcher as a source pod, the offending code can be ifdef'ed or commented out for code running in app extensions: