I'm trying to export a svg file to an icon sized .png. The problem is that I can't seem to be able to force ImageMagick to not to use antialiasing.
It seems to me that +antialias
only turns off between colors aliasing but doesn't prevent to-alpha-channel aliasing.
I've tried:
convert +antialias -background none plug.svg -resize 32x32 plug.png
convert +antialias -background none -size 32x32 plug.svg -resize 32x32 plug.png
keyword anywhere in the clause...And all of them produce:
Imagemagics version: Version: ImageMagick 6.7.7-10 2017-02-22
If you want to force ImageMagick to use 1-bit alpha channel, try using PNG-8 and set a better filtering algorithm such as Lanczos:
-filter Lanczos -resize 64x png8:result64px.png
This is an enlarged result with a 1-bit alpha channel: