EDIT: This question refers specifically to std::lists - other similar questions on Stack Overflow refer to std::vectors
I'm using C++ and having trouble erasing an element from a std::list while iterating through it. I have a list of a custom class ('Objects' for the sake of this question), and my code looks like this:
for(auto i : Objects)
if(i.EraseFlag == true)
i = Objects.erase(i);
I'm getting the error: 'no matching function for call to std::list::erase(Object&)'
I believe this is the right way (as of C++11) to iterate through lists, erase an element and return an iterator that takes into account the erasure, but clearly I'm doing something wrong. Previously when using vectors I would use 'Objects.erase(Objects.begin() + i)' with i being an integer in a for loop, but given the access requirements of lists this won't work.
Help appreciated.
Member function erase
deals with iterators.
For such a task it would be correctly to use an ordinary for loop. For example
for ( auto it = Objects.begin(); it != Objects.end(); )
if ( it->EraseFlag ) it = Objects.erase( it );
else ++it;
Another approach is to use member function remove_if
. For example
Objects.remove_if( []( const auto &value ) { return value.EraseFlag; } );