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Rails 5, Apartment and Devise: sign in with subdomains are not working

I’ve setup a Rails 5 application with Apartment (1.2.0) and Devise (4.2.0). Due to some DDNS issues there is the constraint that the app is only reachable under (note the subdomain app). redirects to

My use case is that every user (tenant) signed up to the app should access their specific data through their subdomain (e.g. The users should not be scoped to their subdomain. Basically it should be possible to sign in from any subdomain. Redirection to the correct subdomain for the tenant is handled by ApplicationController. As per Devise standard the login page is found at That’s where the problems start:

The user cannot login because of ”email or password incorrect“ error.

In development I played around a bit. Signing in from works perfectly well. The user is logged in and is redirected to their subdomain. Trying the same with leads to the afore mentioned problem.

I’ve set the session store to:

# /config/initializers/session_store.rb
Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_myapp_session', domain: {
  production:   '',
  staging:      '',
  development:  ''
}.fetch(Rails.env.to_sym, :all)

I’ve also tried the follwing which doesn’t work either:

Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_myapp_session', domain: :all

What do I need to do so that logging in from any subdomain works?

A test case would be:

User user1 visits the url provides their credentials and is therefor signed in and redirected to

Bonus: user1 visits the the url provides their credentials and is therefor signed in and redirected to


Other relevant configurations:

# /config/initializers/apartment.rb
config.excluded_models = %w{ User }
config.tenant_names = lambda { User.pluck :subdomain }
config.tld_length = 2
Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before Warden::Manager, Apartment::Elevators::FirstSubdomain
Apartment::Elevators::FirstSubdomain.excluded_subdomains = ExcludedSubdomains.subdomains


# /app/classes/excluded_subdomains.rb
class ExcludedSubdomains
  def self.subdomains
    %w( www admin test public private staging app web net )
  end # subdomains
end # class


# /app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable,
         :confirmable, :lockable

  after_create :create_tenant
  after_destroy :delete_tenant

  # other stuff
  def create_tenant
  end # create_tenant

  def delete_tenant
  end # delete_tenant
end # class


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  protect_from_forgery with: :exception

  before_action :authenticate_user!
  before_action :redirect_to_subdomain

  def redirect_to_subdomain
    return if self.is_a?(DeviseController) || self.is_a?(Users::OnboardingController)

    if current_user.present? && request.subdomain != current_user.subdomain
      redirect_to main_index_url(subdomain: current_user.subdomain)
    end # if
  end # redirect_to_subdomain

  def after_sign_in_path_for(resource_or_scope)
    users_onboarding_start_url(subdomain: resource_or_scope.subdomain)
  end # after_sign_in_path_for

  def after_sign_out_path_for(resource_or_scope)
    successful_logout_url(subdomain: '')
  end # after_sign_out_path_for
end # class


  • I’ve found the problem! Instead of prepending the app domain with .app the domain should have no subdomains prepended but a dot. Like so:

    # /config/initializers/session_store.rb
    Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_myapp_session', domain: {
      production:   '',
      staging:      '',
      development:  ''
    }.fetch(Rails.env.to_sym, :all)

    It was so hard for me to find this simple mistake that I even created an example app. As this example already exists I thought I can share it. It can be found at GitHub.