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How to get tag ID using MFRC522 and ESP8266 NodeMCU 0.1

I am using an ESP8266 NodeMCU v0.1 and MFRC RC522. Please can anyone tell me how I can send the tag ID to my web server and how to connect NodeMCU to RC522?


  • I have managed to use this example with few modifications.

    Wiring as follows:

    SDA(SS) - D4 (GPIO2)
    SCK     - D5 (GPIO14) (hw spi)
    MOSI    - D7 (GPIO13) (hw spi)
    MISO    - D6 (GPIO12) (hw spi)
    IRQ     - 
    GND     - G
    RST     - D3 (GPIO0) (FLASH)
    3.3V    - 3V

    And in the code I have redefined these variables:

    #define RST_PIN  D3
    #define SS_PIN   D4

    Worked for me.