I want to deploy Spinnaker components to private cloud (PCF). I want to know whether the following procedure works or it. Download spring-cloud-spinnaker-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar (mentioned in https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-spinnaker) and run it (on Linux machine), then deploy the Spinnaker components to required space from local host. If this procedure works, what are the requirements of my system? else mention the way to deploy.
Yes, Spring Cloud Spinnaker is the proper way to install Spinnaker components into a PCF setup.
Each Spinnaker module is installed with custom settings, some including resources (for example, clouddriver needs 4GB RAM + 2GB disk space), and Spring Cloud Spinnaker applies that.
Spring Cloud Spinnaker itself needs 8 GB RAM + 4 GB disk to operate properly. This is cited here => https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-spinnaker#running-spring-cloud-spinnaker. When run locally, that probably won't be a problem. Should you install it into PCF itself, that would be a critical setting.
If you run into issues with the installer, you can reach out for assistance at http://join.spinnaker.io/ on the #general channel.