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Creating a graph in excel VBA

What code does: I have a code, that reads from certain worksheets and uses the data to create a graph.

What I did before: Previously, I was defining the range for this graph using floating methods (such as used range and lastcell). Since there was a problem when one row of data was deleted (see Dynamic referencing the UsedRange in VBA) I changed the reference method, to account for the number of non-empty column headers.

Problem: Although the code seems to be functional for the first graph created, for the other graphs (and before it gets to the second column of data) it is yielding an error (Method "major Unit" of object axis failed) in the line indicated below.

What it was expected to do: Before I change the reference procedure for the range, I was not getting these problems, and the graphs were being constructed properly.

Question: Any ideas of what might be causing this?

Obs1: As suggested in my previous question, I tried producing these graphs using tables, but was not yet able to do that properly.


Function Grapher(ChartSheetName As String, SourceWorksheet As String, ChartTitle As String, secAxisTitle As String)

Dim lColumn As Long, lRow As Long
Dim LastColumn As Long, LastRow As Long
Dim RetChart As Chart
Dim w As Workbook
Dim RetRange As Range
Dim chrt As Chart
Dim p As Integer
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim numMonth As Long
Dim d1 As Date, d2 As Date
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim pt As PivotTable

Set w = ThisWorkbook

j = 2
Do While w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(1, j).Text <> ""
    j = j + 1

'find limit
LastColumn = j 'w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(1, w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).column
LastRow = w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

'check for sources that do not have full data
'sets the range
i = 3
If SourceWorksheet = "Ret" Or SourceWorksheet = "Vol" Then
    Do While w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(i, 2).Text = "N/A"
        i = i + 1

    'pt = w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range(w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(i, 1), w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)), , xlYes).Name
    'Set RetRange = pt.DataBodyRange
    Set RetRange = w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Range(w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(i, 1), w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(i, LastColumn))
    'Set RetRange = w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Range(w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(i, 1), w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell))
    Set RetRange = w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).Range(w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(1, 1), w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
    'Set RetRange = w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).UsedRange
    'Set RetRange = w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).Range("A1:" & Col_Letter(LastColumn) & LastRow)
End If

For Each chrt In w.Charts
    If chrt.Name = ChartSheetName Then
        Set RetChart = chrt
        p = 1
    End If
Next chrt

If p <> 1 Then
    Set RetChart = Charts.Add
End If

'count the number of months in the time series, do the ratio
d1 = w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).Range("A2").Value
d2 = w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).Range("A" & LastRow).Value

numMonth = TestDates(d1, d2)
x = Round((numMonth / 15), 1)

'ratio to account for period size
If x < 3 Then
    y = 1
ElseIf x >= 3 And x < 7 Then
    y = 4
ElseIf x > 7 Then
    y = 6
End If

'create chart
With RetChart
    .ChartType = xlLine
    .HasTitle = True
    .ChartTitle.Text = ChartTitle
    .SetSourceData Source:=RetRange 'change this to be the table
    .Axes(xlValue).MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
    .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
    .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "Date"
    .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
    .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = secAxisTitle
    .Name = ChartSheetName
    .SetElement (msoElementLegendBottom)
    .Axes(xlCategory).TickLabelPosition = xlLow
    .Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnit = y '************THIS IS GIVING THE CURRENT ERROR
    .Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnitScale = xlMonths

'sets header names for modified sources
    If SourceWorksheet = "Drawdown" Then
        For lColumn = 2 To LastColumn
            .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Name = "=DD!$" & Col_Letter(lColumn) & "$1"
            .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Values = "=DD!$" & Col_Letter(lColumn) & "$3:$" & Col_Letter(lColumn) & "$" & LastRow
        Next lColumn
    ElseIf SourceWorksheet = "Ret" Then
        For lColumn = 2 To LastColumn
            If w.Sheets("Ret").Cells(1, lColumn).Value <> "" Then
                .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Name = "='Ret'!$" & Col_Letter(lColumn) & "$1"
                .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Name = ""
            End If
        Next lColumn
    ElseIf SourceWorksheet = "Vol" Then
        For lColumn = 2 To LastColumn
            If w.Sheets("Vol").Cells(1, lColumn).Value <> "" Then
                .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Name = "='Vol'!$" & Col_Letter(lColumn) & "$1"
                .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Name = ""
            End If
        Next lColumn
    End If
End With

'deleting the extra empty series
Dim nS As Series
'this has to be fixed. For a permanent solution, try to use tables
For Each nS In RetChart.SeriesCollection
    If nS.Name = "Series2" Or nS.Name = "Series3" Or nS.Name = "Series4" Or nS.Name = "Series5" Or nS.Name = "" Then
    End If
Next nS

End Function

Function TestDates(pDate1 As Date, pDate2 As Date) As Long

    TestDates = DateDiff("m", pDate1, pDate2)

End Function

Function Col_Letter(lngCol As Long) As String

    Dim vArr
    vArr = Split(Worksheets("TIME SERIES").Cells(1, lngCol).Address(True, False), "$")
    Col_Letter = vArr(0)

End Function


  • Try the code below, I "cleand" it a little, and see if it resolved your error on setting the Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnit.

    Note: there is no need to Select the chart to modify it.

    Function Grapher(ChartSheetName As String, SourceWorksheet As String, ChartTitle As String, secAxisTitle As String)
    Dim lColumn As Long, lRow As Long
    Dim LastColumn As Long, LastRow As Long
    Dim RetChart As Chart
    Dim w As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim RetRange As Range
    Dim chrt As Chart
    Dim p As Integer
    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    Dim numMonth As Long
    Dim d1 As Date, d2 As Date
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Set w = ThisWorkbook
    Set ws = w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet)
    With ws
        LastColumn = .Range("B1").End(xlToRight).Column ' find last column
        LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row ' find last row
        ' check for sources that do not have full data
        ' sets the range
        i = 3
        If SourceWorksheet = "Ret" Or SourceWorksheet = "Vol" Then
            Do While .Range("B" & i).Text = "N/A"
                i = i + 1
            'Set RetRange = pt.DataBodyRange
            Set RetRange = .Range(.Cells(i, 1), .Cells(i, LastColumn))
            'Set RetRange = w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Range(w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells(i, 1), w.Worksheets(SourceWorksheet).Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell))
            Set RetRange = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
            'Set RetRange = w.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).Range("A1:" & Col_Letter(LastColumn) & LastRow)
        End If
    End With
    ' =====================================
    For Each chrt In w.Charts
        If chrt.Name = ChartSheetName Then
            Set RetChart = chrt
           ' RetChart.Activate
        End If
    Next chrt
    If RetChart Is Nothing Then Charts.Add '<-- no chart found in previous loop
    'count the number of months in the time series, do the ratio
    d1 = ws.Range("A2").Value
    d2 = ws.Range("A" & LastRow).Value
    numMonth = DateDiff("m", d1, d2)
    x = Round((numMonth / 15), 1)
    'ratio to account for period size
    If x < 3 Then
        y = 1
    ElseIf x >= 3 And x < 7 Then
        y = 4
    ElseIf x > 7 Then
        y = 6
    End If
    ' create chart
    With RetChart
      '  .Select
        .ChartType = xlLine
        .HasTitle = True
        .ChartTitle.Text = ChartTitle
        .SetSourceData Source:=RetRange 'change this to be the table
        .Axes(xlValue).MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
        .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
        .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "Date"
        .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
        .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = secAxisTitle
        .Name = ChartSheetName
        .SetElement (msoElementLegendBottom)
        .Axes(xlCategory).TickLabelPosition = xlLow
        .Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnit = y * 30 ' <-- try this
        .Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnitScale = 30
        ' sets header names for modified sources
        Select Case ws.Name
            Case "Drawdown"
                For lColumn = 2 To LastColumn
                    .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Name = "=DD!$" & Col_Letter(lColumn) & "$1"
                    .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Values = "=DD!$" & Col_Letter(lColumn) & "$3:$" & Col_Letter(lColumn) & "$" & LastRow
                Next lColumn
            Case "Ret"
                For lColumn = 2 To LastColumn
                    If ws.Cells(1, lColumn).Value <> "" Then
                        .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Name = "='Ret'!$" & Col_Letter(lColumn) & "$1"
                        .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Name = ""
                    End If
                Next lColumn
            Case "Vol"
                For lColumn = 2 To LastColumn
                    If ws.Cells(1, lColumn).Value <> "" Then
                        .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Name = "='Vol'!$" & Col_Letter(lColumn) & "$1"
                        .FullSeriesCollection(lColumn - 1).Name = ""
                    End If
                Next lColumn
        End Select
    End With
    'deleting the extra empty series
    Dim nS As Series
    'this has to be fixed. For a permanent solution, try to use tables
    For Each nS In RetChart.SeriesCollection
        Select Case nS.Name
            Case "Series2", "Series3", "Series4", "Series5", ""
        End Select
    Next nS
    Set RetChart = Nothing
    End Function
    Function Col_Letter(lngCol As Long) As String
        Dim vArr
        vArr = Split(Worksheets("TIME SERIES").Cells(1, lngCol).Address(True, False), "$")
        Col_Letter = vArr(0)
    End Function