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Dynamic calculation of the number of groups members

For example, there are one exclusivegateway and two sequenceFlow.

<sequenceFlow id="flow1" sourceRef="exclusivegateway" targetRef="usertask1">
    <conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">
        <![CDATA[${approveCount == N}]]>

<sequenceFlow id="flow2" sourceRef="exclusivegateway" targetRef="usertask2">
    <conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">
        <![CDATA[${approveCount < N}]]>

Depending on conditions, executed one or the other task.

In business process I want to dynamically calculate the number N. This number is equal to the sum of all participants of the business process. (for example, I have two groups and the first group included 10 participants, the second group included 5. Then N must be equal to 15).

Is it possible in Activiti by using JavaScript to calculate the number of participants in these groups?


  • You could definitely use either JavaScript or Java API for getting the the number of users in a couple of groups. Check this page for JS people API for example:

    So I imagine a Script task/execution listener before your exclusive gateway, implementing that logic should be the easiest way to do this, as it won't even require restarting the server:

    var membersG1 = people.getMembers("GROUP_MY_GROUP1_NAME");
    var membersG2 = people.getMembers("GROUP_MY_GROUP2_NAME");
    execution.setVariable("N", membersG1.length + membersG2.length);

    Note that this is one of many many possible ways for implementing what you specified.