I have an django installation with the plugins django-image-cropping and easy-thumbnails in use.
I want to add users pictures to there vCard using vObject.
class Person(TranslatableModel):
pic = ImageCropField(_(u"profile picture"),
picture_cropped = ImageRatioField(
So far all I can find about this topic is, how to get an URL to the original Picture, but I don't know how to get the cropped Picture nor do I know how to get the Picture itself and not an URL nor a pseudo-file-type.
You are using an older version of django-image-cropping
as the ImageCropField
does no longer exist in recent versions.
For the latest version it is documented how to get the URL for a cropped thumbnail from your python code: https://github.com/jonasundderwolf/django-image-cropping#frontend
from image_cropping.utils import get_backend
thumbnail_url = get_backend().get_thumbnail_url(
'size': (430, 360),
'box': yourmodel.cropping,
'crop': True,
'detail': True,
In older versions you would use:
from easy_thumbnails.files import get_thumbnailer
thumbnail_url = get_thumbnailer(yourmodel.image).get_thumbnail({
'size': (430, 360),
'box': yourmodel.cropping,
'crop': True,
'detail': True,