I was fortunate enough to not do any cgi-bin .cgi based web development. But generally those who have do not seem to 'miss' those days.
A project I recently joined has a performance issue when dealing with the pages that need to communicate to a legacy system that has a CGI-BIN based API. That system is COGNOS 7.
The feedback I received to date is that 'COGNOS is slow' but others have reported great success with COGNOS, I am thinking it has more to do with the access via CGI-BIN and not the performance of COGNOS in and of itself.
All that said what are the main issues that made CGI-BIN based web development non-performant, difficult, etc...
The fundamental architectural issue with CGI-BIN based systems is that each HTTP request requires the server to start a new process. This affects performance in a number of ways: