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How to apply EMC Documentum "Dynamic ACLs" OR "Mandatory ACLs (MACL) " with a "Trusted Content Services (TCS)" license

I searched a lot about mandatory access control lists and i did not find useful information about how to apply in . i need to know the steps and how to configure.
I already had Documentum CS 7.3 with TCS license enabled and i tested it by applying esignature on pdf document

allows you to dynamically apply to objects depending on specific conditions.

Example 1:

Software developers are assigned read permission on documentation documents

  • Team Leads are assigned write permission on documentation documents.
  • Project Managers are assigned delete permission on documentation documents.

Example 2:

while Users are located in US

  • users are assigned a write permission on documents under US cabinet and read permission on documents under all other cabinets e.g: UK, Egypt, UAE.

If Users logged in from another network location like UK

  • Users are assigned write permission on documents from UK cabinet and * read permission * on documents under all other cabinets.


  • I found The answer to my question by using:

    the Required Group, and Required Group sets

    where you can give some users some permissions and apply it only if they are members of a specific group only.

    • Required Groups
      (Users/Groups must be a member of all listed groups to access this item)

    • Required Groups List
      (Users/Groups must be a member of at least one of the listed groups to access this item)

    I found an issue with EMC's documentation documents:

    It states that in order to benefit from Trusted Content services Capabilities you must have TCS license installed. but, practically whether you installed the TCS license or not you can create dynamic ACLs and benefit from the group membership restriction. (practically TCS is not required "case was Tested", and there is misleading information about Dynamic ACLs usage and implementation) no scenario is provided