Using R, I tried to insert a data frame. My script looks like below:
con <- dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), username = "xxxxxx", password = "xxxxxx",host = "", dbname = "xxxxx")
dbWriteTable(conn=con,name='table',, append = TRUE, row.names = F)
WHen the script hit below line:
dbWriteTable(conn=con,name='table',, append = TRUE, row.names = F)
I got an error like below:
Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) : could not run statement: Invalid utf8 character string: 'M'
I am not sure why this error occurred. This is a part of script that has been run well on another machine.
Please advise
You should create proper connection, then only can insert data frame to your DB. for creating connection username & password, host name & data base name should correct. same code only but i removed some parameter
try this:
mydb = dbConnect(MySQL(), user='root', password='password', dbname='my_database', host='localhost')
i just insert Iris data in my_database
dbWriteTable(mydb, name='db', value=iris)
i inserted iris data frame in the name of db in my_database