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How to Sort data according to Order by clause using DESC order in dapper extensions?

I want to sort data in DESC order. This is my code:

var predicate = Predicates.Sort<myPoco>(x =>, false);
var result = GetList<myPoco>(predicate).ToList();

protected IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>(object predicate, IList<ISort> sort = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, bool buffered = false) where T : class
    var result = connection.GetList<T>(predicate, sort, transaction, commandTimeout, buffered);

Using Dapper Extensions, I am unable to sort data. The code above throws the following error:

PropertyName was not found for...

I am mapping myPoco property using Dapper Extension's ClassMapper.


  • You can sort data using ISort in Dapper Extension's.

    List<ISort> sortList = new List<ISort>();
    sortList.Add(Predicates.Sort<myPoco>(x => x.Name, false));
    var result = GetList<myPoco>(null, sortList).ToList();
     return result;
        protected IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>(object predicate, IList<ISort> sort = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, bool buffered = false) where T : class
                        var result = connection.GetList<T>(predicate, sort, transaction, commandTimeout, buffered);
                        return result;