I have two columns of numbers. First column is called ddd
and second column post
. You can easily import my data into your Rstudio this way:
id <- "0B5V8AyEFBTmXM1VIYUYxSG5tSjQ"
Points <- read.csv(paste0("https://docs.google.com/uc?id=",id,"&export=download"))
My question is how I can find out first, what is post
when ddd
is 0 AND second, if there is no 0 for post
when ddd
is 0, find the closest to 0? (so I need R to do the both checks for me?)
I have used the following R code which doesn't work:
Points$post[Points$ddd == 0]
If you have a Points
dataframe with two columns, post
and ddd
, zero or near zero could be acheived with which.min(abs(Points$ddd))
which will return the index so Points$post[which.min(abs(Points$ddd))]
should get you there.
Note, you will have issues if you have multiple zeros or minimum values.