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Acumatica Styling a specific column in PXGrid?

Im trying to define a Css style for a column in PXGrid.

 <px:PXGrid ID="grid" runat="server" DataSourceID="ds" Width="100%"
                    TabIndex="100" SkinID="DetailsInTab" StatusField="Availability" SyncPosition="True" Height="473px" OnColumnDataBound="grid_rowBound">

protected void grid_rowBound(object sender, PX.Web.UI.PXGridRowEventArgs e)
    Object value = e.Row.Cells["OrigQty"].Value;
    if (value != null && ((Boolean)value) == false)
        e.Row.Style.CssClass = "RedCol";

Is column styling possible using OnColumnDataBound?


  • You could create style dynamically as below in page code behind.

    In below example, I have modified out-of-box EP503010 page.

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Style escalated = new Style();
        escalated.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
        this.Page.Header.StyleSheet.CreateStyleRule(escalated, this, ".CssEscalated");
        Style rowStyle = new Style();
        rowStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
        this.Page.Header.StyleSheet.CreateStyleRule(rowStyle, this, ".CssRowStyle");
        Style cellStyle = new Style();
        cellStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Aqua;
        this.Page.Header.StyleSheet.CreateStyleRule(cellStyle, this, ".CssCellStyle");
        Style highlightStyle = new Style();
        highlightStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
        this.Page.Header.StyleSheet.CreateStyleRule(highlightStyle, this, ".CssHighlightStyle");

    And use that in OnRowDataBound event handler of PXGrid as below

    protected void grid_RowDataBound(object sender, PX.Web.UI.PXGridRowEventArgs e)
        EPApprovalProcess.EPOwned item = e.Row.DataItem as EPApprovalProcess.EPOwned;
        if (item == null) return;
        if (item.Escalated == true)
            //For Row - change the Font to Red
            e.Row.Style.CssClass = "CssEscalated";
        else if (item.CuryTotalAmount.HasValue && item.CuryTotalAmount.Value > 10m)
            //For Row - change the background to Red
            e.Row.Style.CssClass = "CssRowStyle";
        //For Specific Column - change the background to Aqua - Whole Column all row.
        e.Row.Cells["Descr"].Style.CssClass = "CssCellStyle";
        //Conditional a specific column cell
        if (item.CuryTotalAmount.HasValue && item.CuryTotalAmount.Value > 10m)
            e.Row.Cells["CuryTotalAmount"].Style.CssClass = "CssHighlightStyle";

    enter image description here

    You can refer out-of-box EP503010.aspx & EP503010.aspx.cs page files.