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Haskell error when implementing Tower of Hanoi

I am trying to implement a recursive function for Tower of Hanoi.

The algorithm is:

Move n−1 disks from peg AA to peg C using peg B as intermediate storage.

Move the nth disk from peg A to peg B,

Move n−1 disks from peg C to peg BB using peg A as intermediate storage.


hanoi 2 "a" "b" "c" =
[("a","c"), ("a","b"), ("c","b")]

This is my implementation

hanoi :: Integer -> Peg -> Peg -> Peg -> [Move] 

hanoi x "a" "b" "c" 
    | x <= 0    = []
    | x == 1    = [("a", "b")]
    | otherwise = (hanoi (x-1) "a" "c" "b") ++ [("a", "b")] ++ (hanoi (x-1) "c" "b" "a")

However I got an error said there is un-exhausted pattern. What does it mean an how can I solve it?


  • Arguments to Haskell functions are actually patterns that the supplied values are matched against.

    a is an irrefutable pattern that always succeeds by matching up the variable a with the supplied value, whether "a", "b", "c" or something else entirely.

    "a" is also a pattern, but it will only succeed when matched up with a matching value, "a":

    ~> let f "a" = 1
    f :: Num a => [Char] -> a
    ~> f "a"
    it :: Num a => a
    ~> f "c"
    *** Exception: <interactive>:3:5-13: Non-exhaustive patterns in function f

    So, do not enclose your arguments in quotes when defining functions, if you want them to be interpreted as variable patterns.