I'm using Telerik grid to present memos received by user below is the code
.Sortable(sorting => sorting
.OrderBy(sortOrder => sortOrder.Add(o => o.MemoDate).Descending()))
.DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
//Ajax binding
//The action method which will return JSON
.Select("_AjaxBindingReceivedMemos", "OA" )
Columns(colums =>
colums.Bound(o => o.MemoID).ClientTemplate(Html.ActionLink("Reply", "ReplyMemo", "OA", new { MemoID = "<#=MemoID#>"}, null).ToString()).Title("Reply").Filterable(false).Sortable(false);
colums.Bound(o => o.MemoID).ClientTemplate(Html.ActionLink("Acknowledge", "PreviewMemo", "OA", new { id = "<#=MemoID#>"}, null).ToString()).Title("Acknowledge").Filterable(false).Sortable(false);
colums.Bound(o => o.Subject).ClientTemplate(Html.ActionLink("<%#=Subject#>", "PreviewMemo", "OA", new { id = "<#=MemoID#>" }, null).ToString()).Title("Subject");
//colums.Bound(o => Html.ActionLink(o.Subject,"PreviewMemo","OA",new{id=o.MemoID},null).ToString()).Title("Subject");
colums.Bound(o => o.FromEmployeeName);
colums.Bound(o => o.MemoDate);
.RowAction((row) =>
row.HtmlAttributes.Add("style", "background:#321211;");
//.ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBound"))
where I am binding third column (Subject) my intention is to make an ActionLink where subject is the display text and i want a dynamic ID coming from <#=MemoID#>
. memo id is working fine and gives me a link with dynamic Memo IDs. the problem is with the subject i.e ("<#=Subject#>"
) is rendered as it is on the screen without mapping to the actual subject of the memo. I have also tried ("<%#=Subject%>"
) but to no gain. any help is highly appreciated
Bit late now maybe for you, but maybe this will help others:
I do this via templates, as follows:
columns.Bound(c => c.ID).ClientTemplate(
Html.ActionLink("<#= SomeTextValue #>", "SomeAction", "SomeController", new { ID = "<#= ID #>" }, null).ToString()