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Webpack DllReferencePlugin is not working

I've got a problem with the DllReferencePlugin on one of my projects (I'm using Webpack 1.13.2). In particular, I have 3 pairs of manifests and bundle files generated by DllPlugin and in my plugins section for the main bundle I have 3 DllReferencePlugin sections:

entry: {    
  body: [
plugins: [
    new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({
      context: process.cwd(),
      manifest: path.join(dllPath, 'commons-manifest.json'),
    new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({
      context: process.cwd(),
      manifest: path.join(dllPath, 'vendor-manifest.json'),
    new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({
      context: process.cwd(),
      manifest: path.join(dllPath, 'react-manifest.json'),

When I try to run it I get the following error:

/node_modules/webpack/lib/DelegatedModuleFactoryPlugin.js:43 if(request && request in this.options.content) { ^

TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for './src/main.js' in undefined

The same configuration works nice for my other project, so I think this error has something to do with the path resolution. I've tried relative paths for the context and manifest path but it does not work either.


  • The problem was that for this particular version of Webpack (1.13.2) manifest: require(path.join(dllPath, 'commons-manifest.json')) should be used instead of manifest: path.join(dllPath, 'commons-manifest.json')